In focus

Offshore Projects

Concrete can handle the immense task of withstanding the elements of the rough seas for decades supporting green energy production.

Heidelberg Materials is a reliable and experienced partner for providing high-quality, durable, and sustainable concrete solutions.

We offers a full value-chain of products from aggregates to cement and concrete.  Our products can be designed to meet your requirements, and we have vast experience in large and complex infrastructure project both on- and offshore in the Nordics and Baltics.

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Slite CCS

Slite CCS, one of Sweden's most significant climate transition projects.

By 2030, we aim to manufacture cement with net-zero carbon dioxide emissions, with the goal of achieving negative emissions.

With innovative CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) technology, we will capture, transport, and store emissions to prevent them from reaching the atmosphere. This reduces Sweden's total carbon dioxide emissions by 4 percent.


Brevik CCS

Carbon capture and Storage (CCS) is today our main technical solution to drastically reduce CO2 from cement production.

The very first CCS-plant in the global cement industry, in operation by 2024, is currently under construction by our subsidiary, Heidelberg Materials Sement Norge, at the Brevik cement plant in Norway. 

Brevik CCS Mechanical Completion